THANK YOU to all who attended our 2024 COMMUNITY FREEDOM SUMMIT!

Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention

Human trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for a commercial sex act or labor services through force, fraud, or coercion. It is modern-day slavery. Most importantly, we want every man, woman, and child to know about slavery and how they can help to end the demand.


Our organization exists to bring awareness to this multi-billion dollar criminal industry through educational programs and awareness events.

We believe that prevention can happen through awareness, advocacy, and action. Our mission is to provide information that will empower you to take action and be a part of disrupting the demand.

What is sex trafficking?
What Is Sex Trafficking?

Sex trafficking is a commercial sex act induced on a person by force, fraud, or coercion. Traffickers target people who are mentally, physically, or economically vulnerable. Learn more about the signs of sex trafficking.

What is labor trafficking? Not for sale.
What Is Labor Trafficking?

Labor trafficking is forcing a person to work in captivity for little or no pay. This includes bonded labor, involuntary domestic servitude, and child soldiers. Learn more about human trafficking statistics.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
—Martin Luther King Jr.

Community partners and agencies

We believe there is strength in numbers and standing together empowers us in the fight to end human trafficking. We work with impactful organizations and agencies in our community.

Are you looking for opportunities to take action and get involved?

We stand alongside community partners like Rahab, Hannah’s House 119, HAVEN at Mercy, Children’s Network of Stark County, A21 and Stark County Juvenile Task Force.

If you need help, there is hope for you. You don’t have to remain trapped. These caring and compassionate groups of people are a great support to help anyone in need.

partner logos. rahab, hannahs house, childrens network of stark county, paths, a21, stark county task force, haven and walsh university

We believe that together, we can prevent the tragedy of human trafficking, liberate others, and be the voice of those who have been silenced – one step at a time.

We custom designed our apparel on fair trade certified tees and beanies sourced from KNOWN SUPPLY.

Your purchase supports the fight against human trafficking.

Shop Now

Your call could save a life.

If you feel in danger or suspect human trafficking, call the local police department.

Ohio 24/7 Human Trafficking Hotline




Summit Regional Human Trafficking Task Force Hotline

Serving Summit, Stark, Portage, and Medina Counties



Text HELP to 233733 [befree]